
Knives + Pumpkins = all the seeds you can eat.

Last night we went to The Two Blondes' house for pumpkin carving for a party on Saturday. We drank mulled wine and cider (with rum!) and had fancy homemade roasted red pepper spread. Here is a very dark photo of the results:

This weekend: parties, drag, costumes and football. Delightful.


Buns in the oven?

I am completely almost-sure that Zoey The Dog might be pregnant. Johnny says no way, but highly technical research on a very scholarlyinternet source leads me to be convinced. Here are my reasons:
    1. Her dog-breasts appear to be completely ready for nursing, well, her nipples anyway.
    2. She whines a lot.
    3. Her midsection may or may not be enlarged. (Although it is tough to say because we have only had her a week.)

I could possibly be jumping to conclusions, but I can't help but think the worst. Can you imagine having 6 to 9 little puppies running around this place??? What a nightmare. I made an appointment today for her spaying and the earliest we could get was Nov. 22. I guess we will know for sure by then.


Dog shotz

Last night I went around and put the storm windows down in the house. (It immediately made a difference, no more drafts..you can stand by the window and not freeze...AND the guest room is verrry cozy now, hint-hint). Zoey was helping by running up to each window (she was keeping track of those I hadn't gotten to yet) and once I opened it, she would stick her head out. Jupiter helped too, as you can see:

Isn't that a cute spot on her back?

Here is another picture of her, close up:

I also put some more photos here.

And since I never did it before, here is a picture of The Tiniest Baby of All Time when she was about 2 weeks old. That is my sister's hand, which is not huge, really, just sorta normal sized.

She looks totally different now, being that she is about 3 times as old!


Something fishy at the library services company

The setting
Inside a large room, filled with cubicles. Corner area has large grey metal table and dedicated computer for specialized printer.

The cast of characters
    Dewey: map cataloger, eagerly wanting to work but perpetually stymied by large maps and a small workspace
    Bertie: sweet auntie-type, uses specialty printer for majority of day's labours, usually seen wearing a seasonal sweatshirt with a turtleneck. May have had plastic surgery.
    C.G. (computer guy): seems to be the only person able to do anything systems related around here. Drinks lots of coffee.
    Supervisor: it doesn't matter, really. just imagine a stick person with a blank face.

The story

Act I
    Dewey approaches Supervisor to discuss possible options for getting more space to work on the maps, suggesting that she might be willing to use the shipping area computer, due to the convenience of the table.

    Dewey: Um, I totally can't do my work, can I use the computer in the corner?
    Supervisor: Let me look into it.

...weeks pass...
    Supervisor (with the enthusiasm of someone who has a great, original idea): you can use that computer in the corner if you want!
    Dewey: Um, thanks?

Dewey uses computer, but can't print out required information.

Act II
    Bertie (to Dewey): Hon, did you use the computer in the corner? I tried to print out my work, but it just printed records forever. I think it is broken.

Dewey explains situation and apologizes, realizing that she didn't change the default printer.
    Bertie: That's okay, sweetie. I have been wanting to move out of there anyway. Someone always comes and messes with the printer and it just takes forever to get things going again. It makes me so mad! (looks wistfully toward the ceiling) I just wish i knew who it was! Anyhoo, I will get soemone to move the printer so you can use that space.

Bertie contacts her supervisor

...weeks pass...

    Bertie (to Dewey): Hey youngster. I got my printer moved, so the computer and table are all yours. If anyone asks where it went though, don't tell them, okay?

Dewey nods, actually not knowing where it has gone. Bertie exits. Dewey attempts use of computer, but needs software installed. She contacts C.G.
    C.G.: So, uh, I um got the software [slurp] on there. Uhm, lemme know if [snif] you have any trouble with it.
    Dewey: okay.
    C.G., averting eyes and taking a gulp of coffee: So, um... do you know where Bertie's printer went to?
    Dewey: I don't know. I just know it is gone.


Is there no honor in humanity? Damn you C.G.!



Things are getting cleaned up from the big break-in, and I am starting to feel more comfortable at home again. It is so strange the way that someone just invading your space that way makes you feel extra vigilant and scared. Ew.

Zoey is still cute and rowdy, even though I try to take her out lots of times and let her hang out in the yard and chase the squirrels.

I had my review on Wednesday, which went quite well. I had a good opportunity to tell them some of the things that I have been thinking about this place, which made me feel better. So, I embark with a renewed sense of okay-ness about the job, and I don't feel the urgent need to get-out-as-soon-as-i-can. I also started carpooling with a woman who lives near me, which helps me feel better about driving every day. It also helps me get up and off to work on time!


the good, the bad and the speckled

The trip to Philly was extra-great and we were homesick from the moment we drove in. We got to stay at the lovely home of Erica and The Agent and to visit with many wonderful folks. I went to ye olde library job and went around to say hi to people. The best part was when someone asked me, "Wait, you don't work here anymore, do you?"

On Sunday we went to the Morning Glory for a fantastic breakfast, which was quickly ruined by a phone call from our cat-sitting friends telling us our house had been broken into the night before. Luckily (or not) we had an 8 hour drive to prepare for the shock and violation of someone going through our things.

There was some damage done to the back gate, but none to the back door where they entered. They stole our laptop, DVDs, CDs and our jewelry boxes. Johnny's was worth more than mine as it held every piece of sentimentality she'd been collecting since childhood. They also stole the change from my 4-year-old niece's pink Barbie purse she left here last weekend. Jerks.

Our response was swift. I had a security system guy come yesterday and give me his pitch, then we went and got a dog. Her name is Zoey Bella and she is 3 year-old Blue Heeler, house trained, well mannered, and so cute. She is afraid of the cats and whimpers whenever they block the entrance to a room she wants to go into. I will certainly be posting Cute Dog pictures in the future.


And then... nothing.

My review was rescheduled at the last minute. I waited outside my supervisor's office for 10 minutes with my team leader before we decided he wasn't there. I actually said, "Would it be weird if i went outside and looked in the window?" She said that he would come and get us when he got back. Half an hour later, i got an email saying he wasn't even in. I guess it will happen next week.

But today, we are embarking on a trip to Philadelphia! Woo-hoo! I am pretty excited to go back and visit my old work-mates and friends. Plus, the Eagles have a bye week, so i don't have to worry about missing the game by driving on Sunday.


3 months of daily hunger

People around here keep weird schedules. There are some folks that come in at 4 or 5 in the morning, so they eat lunch at 11! They sit at their desks for lunch and the smell wafts over the cubicle walls and directly into my nostrils. I eat around 1 usually, so this 2 hour stretch is torturous.

Today I will eat a little earlier because I have my 90 day review. It is shocking to think that I have been working here for 3 months already. Is it too early to ask for a raise?



After being rejected by our (now previous) vet, Johnny took Carrington to the Good Vet on Saturday at 1:15 because my family was coming over for housewarming/birthday celebrations. She called me around 2 to say that the vet was not sure whether she was treatable. I went down there and the vet explained that Carrington was severely ill and dehydrated and that her condition had probably progressed beyond repair. He could hear fluid swishing around in her abdomen and feared that she had FIP,a pretty serious and contagious disease.

After an extended conversation, we decided that it would be best to put her to sleep. I haven't ever had to do that before, and it was the saddest thing ever. She was sitting on Johnny's lap, all cute and yellow and skinny, and we petted her for probably an hour before we left. We promised her that we'd name another cat after her someday.

Rest in Peace, Carrington. We miss you.


Yellow ears

I took Carrington to the low-cost vet this morning. She tested negative for Feline Leukemia and FIV, but they couldn't give her any immunizations because she has severe jaundice! She's not pregnant and they shaved her belly and it looks like there is a spaying scar.
They suggested that I take her to my regular vet for diagnosis and testing. I called and got an appointment for noon, so I called in to work and said I'd be in late. I set Carrington up on the porch with a little barrier and some blankets (it is really cold and rainy here today) but when I came out to get her she was gone. I told the vet I thought she'd be back in the morning and they are going to let me know if I can bring her in then.



Front Porch Attraction

The party was a roaring success. There was so much kareoke and revelry that i am only now getting things back into order. There is also lots of leftover beer and we now have bottles spilling out of all the refrigerator's crevices. Thanks to everyone who made the trip--it was so great to see you all!

On Sunday, after most people left, a grey cat appeared on our front porch. She is still there. Yes, we started feeding her because her bones are sticking out. We also named her Carrington. Here are the cute things she does:
    mrows and comes up to me when i walk out the door
    sharpens her claws on the welcome mat
    curls up all pretty-like on a towel (which serves as her bed)
    sits in a loaf ON the porch swing
She is such a sweet cat, but she may be sick or pregnant or something. We are going to have to get her to the vet.
Are we going to be a 4 cat household? Ahh!