Salmon totally guessed my friend's baby's name: Quentin! As soon as she emails me her address, I will make and ship her a cake The apples are waiting and I can make it vegan if you want.
I went to this CIC conference on Monday and Tuesday. It's always interesting to get a larger picture of what is happening in library-land and see what other libraries are doing. There was an interesting demo from Endeca about the new NCSU OPAC interface which allows faceted keyword searching. There was some assigned speculation about whether this kind of thing is the future of the OPAC and people were saying insane things like "what will catalogers/non-public-service staff do?"
Hi, the work still has to be done, we still have to know what we own, even if the patrons just use WorldCat.
There was the obligatory presentation on the technological advances of the NextGen. They were talking about things like "multi-tasking" and actually showed screenshots of a person's desktop while in the process of said "multi-tasking".
The worst part was when this person said that she didn't think that people would be "multi-tasking" this way once they got older. Who ARE these people?
It wasn't all bad though, there were some good conversations about how libraries are/should be allocating resources to address the issues of their users, an interesting talk by OCLC about their recent survey and a great keynote by David Weinberger where, in part, he responded to the article in Nature where they found that the wikipedia is just as accurate as Brittanica and how that upsets the traditional view of authority in publication.
Plus, the food was good.
hooray! i never win things.
i can't find your email address - email me at jennie123 at gmail dot com!
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