
no to training, yes to party

We have totally started planning our housewarming party. We might get to close a few days earlier than we originally thought, therefore have a few extra days to get things situated before we need to move out of our lil' sublet on the 26th. I have to get confirmation from the realtor, but I think closing will be on the 12th, and the seller wants 10 days after close to move.

The New Job has a very poor (non-existent) training program. I got a 4 hour course on how to use Microsoft Office, but about ZERO minutes on the optional rules, etc. that we have to follow here. No, make that about 30 seconds--they did mention the 043. I sit here, cataloging, ALL DAY LONG and feel like a complete failure. It really stinks because I used to like cataloging, but I have been here about a month and I never want to see a MARC record again. I guess it can only get better. At least I have this window to keep me company.

Speaking of the window, yesterday something caught my eye and I turned to see a giant groundhog/muskrat/mutant squirrel just sitting out there near the sidewalk. I took a picture with my phone, but i don't know how to send phone photos to the internet. If you do, tell me and I will post it. It was a weird looking thing.


Anonymous said...

How utterly ironic that an organization that produces a guide to MARC records wouldn't give you adequate training for local practices! 043-- bleh.

But cool for the house acquiring and warming!

Bevin said...

I speak English as a first language and I do not understand anything Yoko just said.

Anonymous said...

"house acquiring and warming" is in English, Bevin! :)

This is not:
043 n-us-pa I don't know from GAC or ISO codes.
048 wc all the way baby!