

Yesterday was a great day full of firsts.
First first: When preparing for the the Packing Squad i actually picked up Toolie The Skittish Cat and carried her to the bathroom without getting scratched.
Second first: The Squad came at 9 and while they packed up, i read a magazine on the chaise. They were done at 1 and i was not fully prepared for how easy it was going to be for me to sit around and watch other people work.
Third first: Neighbors stop by to say hi.
Fourth first: After the Squad left, Johnny, me and Goddess Alicia went to the Famous 4th St. Deli (newly owned and maybe slightly less famous?) and i had BLINTZES. I am disappointed to admit that I have never eaten a blintz in my life, until the yesterday of firsts. Why isn't this food introduced in third grade, or maybe even college? 30 years without a blintz is far too long.
Fifth first: Had to reprimand my class about potential misuse of electronic resources.
Sixth first: Went to Eulogy and drank Belgian beer from the 8 million beer menu. I have wanted to do this since i became aware of this place, like 2 years ago.
Seventh first: Slept on the couch on purpose.

This morning the Loading Squad came while i was at my last day of work and took away the SIXTY-SEVEN boxes plus furniture that make up our belongings. All that is left might fit in my trunk. Plus the cats.

I almost forgot the photo of Johnny's new tattoo:


Anonymous said...

I do love blintzes also.
Love Johnny's new tattoo!
Gonna miss you guys.

Bevin said...

Is the bottom bird named Bevin?