
on a jet plane

Jetgirl was so fun this month. Aside from just a general good time, Johnny did a very funny superhero number and Tamale danced with some fire, and Kitty Victorian came and twirled tassels. I've been fighting off a sore throat for a few days, so aside from the party, I just slept.

Sunday night we went to a fundraiser to help one of our friends pay for his transition, then yesterday I saw this NYT article about "the controversy" in the community. I didn't know about said controversy -- has anyone else heard this before?

Johnny is leaving next Thursday! I'm going to be so sad. Zoey, the cats, and I are already commisserating on ways to keep one another company. I'm making a list of projects.

On the upside, I'm really excited because I finally bought my ticket to Italy. We've planned out this somewhat elaborate itinerary which involves a good portion of the major Italian cities, so we're getting the cheap flights early and the train tickets later. If you have any less-obvious "must see" Italian treasures or travel tips, leave a comment.

1 comment:

Scootking said...

hey, thanks for that article.
it's sort of strange to see Judith Halberstam's comment, considering that she has made her mark by studying drag kings and female masculinity...how ironic.