
Sun in my eyes

I got the window! Behind me, glaring against my computer screen, is the reflection of the sun across a pond with 2 fountains flowing freely from 8-6. I am guessing about the 6 part, I usually leave at 4.

The job is going pretty great, i have to say. I like it so far, lots of independence, unlimited Connexion time (without worry about charges), high performance expectations, a variety of materials, cataloging jokes, and all the music i can listen to in 8 hours. Woo-hoo. I am going to bring in some of my personal items to sit around my lil' workspace and maybe I'll post a photo if I can get it to look presentable.

Speaking of music, one of the (very few) good things about leaving my last job is that i got a going-away gift certificate. I have spent this almost exclusively on albums that were on our networked itunes, but I didn't own, so I couldn't listen to them. They have begun arriving and I sometimes feel like I am back there, except my work area isn't hot.

Awww. I miss you guys.

1 comment:

dewey said...
