
"Ah, it's no big deal..."

That's what my sister said when I asked her about GIVING BIRTH at 12:30 this morning.

She is so funny.

She has always been laid back, and kinda "go-with-the-flow" about life, not making an affair of things that are really worth being excited about. My mom calls to give me the baby vitals (girl, 6 lb 11 oz) so I immediately called her up at the hospital.

I get her on the phone and in a little bit of a sleepy voice, she tells me about the schedule of events:
9:30 -- leave house in rural WV
10:30 -- get admitted around into hospital in town
11:00 -- go into labor
12:30 -- have baby

She didn't even have time to have an epidural.

I told her I was going to write about her 1 1/2 hour labor and she said, "No sense in messin' around with it, get in there, get it done."

I said I would quote her.


Anonymous said...

What a woman! Go, Dewey's sis! And congratulations!

Bevin said...

Tammy is amazing. What is the baby's name? Are you going to crochet her a baby blanket and are you driving down this weekend to see her?