
Buns in the oven?

I am completely almost-sure that Zoey The Dog might be pregnant. Johnny says no way, but highly technical research on a very scholarlyinternet source leads me to be convinced. Here are my reasons:
    1. Her dog-breasts appear to be completely ready for nursing, well, her nipples anyway.
    2. She whines a lot.
    3. Her midsection may or may not be enlarged. (Although it is tough to say because we have only had her a week.)

I could possibly be jumping to conclusions, but I can't help but think the worst. Can you imagine having 6 to 9 little puppies running around this place??? What a nightmare. I made an appointment today for her spaying and the earliest we could get was Nov. 22. I guess we will know for sure by then.


Anonymous said...

She is so slim and trim. Her nips are just big dude.

Bevin said...

It might be sort of fun.

Anonymous said...

i feel sort of strange commenting about your dog's big nipples........

anyways.......if your dog has puppies, maybe i can convince my parents to take one.