- 1. Her dog-breasts appear to be completely ready for nursing, well, her nipples anyway.
2. She whines a lot.
3. Her midsection may or may not be enlarged. (Although it is tough to say because we have only had her a week.)
I could possibly be jumping to conclusions, but I can't help but think the worst. Can you imagine having 6 to 9 little puppies running around this place??? What a nightmare. I made an appointment today for her spaying and the earliest we could get was Nov. 22. I guess we will know for sure by then.
She is so slim and trim. Her nips are just big dude.
It might be sort of fun.
i feel sort of strange commenting about your dog's big nipples........
anyways.......if your dog has puppies, maybe i can convince my parents to take one.
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