
bike attack!

Last night I went to dinner with RedRider at a campus sushi joint and she walked me to the Wex for this beautiful Turkish movie that I'd planned to see. While we were walking, this person on a bike came careening out of No Where and tried to snatch my bag from my shoulder!!

Here's a slow-mo of what happened:
Bag is pulled off shoulder
I keep holding bag
I start yelling "No! No!"
Snatcher keeps holding bag
Bike falls down
I fall down
Hole is ripped in new skinny jeans
My favorite boots from Philly are scuffed
Snatcher is trapped under bike, still holding bag
RedRider's hands come into view, slapping Stealer
I'm trying to hit Snatcher to get her to let go of bag
Snatcher lets go
I start to get up
Snatcher says "My hand just got caught!"
Random guy tackles Snatcher
I stand up
Look at Random Guy on top of Snatcher
Hear Random Guy say "I saw you do it!"
Feel really pissed because she tried to steal my bag
Look at Snatcher still pinned to sidewalk
Pick up bike
Think, "This is a nice bike"
Throw bike over bike rack into short brick wall.

Yes, you can read that last one again.

After all that, Random comes up to see if I'm okay and Snatcher simply gets her bike and rides off, calling us bitches.

The weirdest part about this is that later, I realized that Snatcher looked familiar, like someone I once knew from here, who, coincidentally, used to have a job which involved riding a bike.

So now my knees are all bruised and skinned up, but I still have my license and credit card that I'll certainly need for my trip to see Johnny in two weeks and now I can buy another pair of jeans without guilt. The silver lining.


Anonymous said...

Wow-- you go, girl! Glad to hear this story had a happy ending.

I got run into by a bike on campus and tore up the knee of my slacks. It was an accident, and unfortunately, I'm still wearing those pants because I need to save up for new ones.

dj love said...

you go tough guy
loves it

glad you are getting you some new skinny jeans, and honestly, i hear they have some nice shoes in italy...just an idea

dewey said...

i know, now i'm thinking i'll just wear tattered skinny jeans and then get some new kicks in the I-to-the-T.

Anonymous said...

you are a rock star, the anti-victim of crime. you threw the bike??? i'm in awe.

Scootking said...

That's funny. I mean it's not funny, but it is really funny.
I am glad you threw her bike, stupid thief.